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Department of Mathematics

To be an automatic typesetter

Word-processing programs let any user be the typesetter; but what you often want is a document that looks good, not one that you spent hours on to make it look good. LaTeX takes that burden, and lets you think of the document, not of the layout. LaTeX is a text-processing system derived from TeX, a program which is developed to produce professional layout, obtaining a work similar to a typesetter's; the typesetter is the professional that styles a document's look according to specifications for the type of document.

Kile is an integrated LaTeX environment for the KDE desktop. Kile gives you the ability to use all the functionalities of LaTeX in a graphical interface, giving you easy, immediate, and customized access to all programs for LaTeX codecompletion, compiling, postprocessing, debugging, conversion and viewing tools; you also get very handy wizards, a LaTeX reference and a powerful project management.

MiKTeX is a typesetting system for Microsoft Windows. It consists of an implementation of TeX and a set of related programs. MiKTeX provides the tools necessary to prepare documents using the TeX/LaTeX markup language.